
We built together the future of medicine

Scroll down to find out how you could take part of DIPCAN and what is this study directed to patients with metastatic cancer is about.


Welcome to DIPCAN

An important cancer study project in Spain.

2,000 patients with metastatic cancer will take part of a study that aims to have an overall view of the sickness.

DIPCAN could become a help or an advance in the treatment of patients with metastatic cancer.

What makes this study unique?

It’s a big Project within the field of oncology.

We choose personalized medicine to treat cancer.

We work with an integral vision because every patient is different. The idea is to gather the clinic, radiomic, pathologic and genomic information of each patient so it is analyzed together.


How does it work?


If you are older than 18 years old and have been diagnosed with a not-hematologic metastatic cancer, you could contribute to the cancer medicine of the future.

If you are chosen as a potential candidate in the study, we would set a date for a first medical consultation with the oncologist who would evaluate if you would take part of the DIPCAN study.

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How does it work?

Patient journey

This is an observational study. Therefore, no treatment that will improve the life quality or survival of the patients will be provided.

How does it work?

Professionals and partners


DIPCAN is a Project where 7 leading institutions in Spain join forces to put together clinic, radiomic, pathologic and genomic information of patients with metastatic cancer. MD Anderson Cancer Center Foundation Spain is the promoter of the study. Eurofins Megalab is the coordinator of the study and counts with the collaboration of
Genomcore, Quibim, Pangaea Oncology, Artelnics and Atrys Health.

DIPCAN counts with the funding of the European Union through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation

Logo MD Anderson
Logo Eurofins Megalab
Logo Pangaea
Logo Quibim
Logo Genomcore
Logo Atrys
Logo Artelnics

Referente en investigación oncológica, junto con el hospital MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, centro de referencia y de excelencia para el tratamiento del cáncer en España y en Europa

Empresa líder en análisis clínicos y pionero en genética clínica y patología molecular

Referente en diagnóstico molecular oncológico y especializado en biopsia líquida y Next Generation Sequencing

Referente para el desarrollo de biopsias virtuales con imágenes médicas, de aplicación en los procesos diagnósticos en radiología y en el descubrimiento de nuevas moléculas terapéuticas con las principales compañías farmacéuticas

Líder en soluciones digitales para la implementación de la medicina personalizada

Compañía global que presta servicios de diagnóstico y tratamiento médico de precisión, pionera en telemedicina y radioterapia de última generación

Empresa especializada en el desarrollo y aplicación de técnicas de inteligencia artificial, genera modelos de aprendizaje automáticos a partir de los datos recogidos

Be part of the study

Do you want to be part of the study?

It is a quite straightforward process! If you are over 18 years old and interested, you just need to register.

We will then ask you for some details and you will receive an answer as soon as possible.

Why this study is so important?

Why this study is so important?
This clinic study could help the patients, as it could provide a greater global understanding of the disease and it would help recommend different therapeutic options based on the results obtained from each patient.

In your case, it could help understand your disease better and give your specialist another tool with the goal to help you in this path in the best way possible.


This study aims to create an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that could help understand the cancer better from a joint point of view.